Featured Quality Companies

ROMATSA: Sky high excellence in a demanding field

Written by x-cellence

Perhaps one of the most complex services in the world is the air traffic control services. One mistake could cost many, many lives. And leave an entire industry crippled by fear, causing millions of dollars in losses, and temporarily cutting of a country from the air routes. The damage of a single mistake, in this line of business, is huge. Behind the control towers, behind the myriad of radars and computers systems, there is a silent human force that is under the utmost pressure. The companies and organizations that control this services are some of the more disciplined organizations in the world. 

One of those is Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration (ROMATSA) who is in charge of managing the Romanian airspace allotted to the civil aviation and providing the necessary technical facilities, air navigation services for the users of the Romanian airspace, organizing and providing aeronautical and meteorological information, aeronautical telecommunication services, plus achieving civil-military co-operation for a flexible use of the airspace. To make the story short: Thanks to ROMATSA all planes are covered to fly, land and take off from Romania. Not a small feat indeed.

In order to fulfil all the services they provide, ROMATSA has established a new strategy, under the leadership of its Adjunct General Director Mr. Fănică Cârnu, based on the these points: Forecasted increase of the air traffic, Necessity of maintaining the peak level of safety, and Cost reduction and Compliance to the regulations concerning the environment protection. A managerial preclearance that makes ROMATSA one of the exemplary companies in Quality Culture at an international level. This is the prestige that lead this organization to receive the BID International Arch of Europe Award in the Gold Category on the Frankfurt BID International Quality Convention, ratifying their absolute commitment to excellence.


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